Under Aditya’s captaincy, the Indian squad is currently among the top teams and has won five World Cup tournaments. In a career span of 17 years, Aditya Ganeshwade has 100 goals to his credit, has been two times skipper of the World Cup-winning team, holds a record of hitting a maximum number of goals in …
Aditya has been nominated for the prestigious Arjuna Award for 3 consecutive times by the Roll Ball Federation of India in the years- 2017, 2018 and 2019. Career span of 17 years, 100 goals to his credit, two times skipper of the World Cup-winning team, holds a record of hitting a maximum number of goals …
The Indian men’s team beat Kenya 9-3 to lift the Fifth Roll Ball World Cup, at the ICF Indoor Stadium in Chennai on Wednesday. This is the side’s fourth title on the trot. The women’s team lost to Kenya 2-3 and ended as runners-up. During the meet, skipper Aditya Ganeshwade scored 100 goals at the …
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